„She’s a lean, mean sideshow machine“ Evilyn Frantic is an cabaret and sideshow performer from Tornio in Northern Finland. She’s always had her heart in the variety scene, being drawn to the sensual, kinky and odd from an early age. Currently based in Berlin, Germany – but living in her suitcase six months a year, the road is for those not […]


Luna Duran is a body artist whose medium is her own flesh. She was born in the Bolivian Andes where prehispanic ritual practices survive despite centuries of colonization and a palpable tension with modernity. At a young age she migrated to the United States with her parents and became integrated into American culture studying […]


Poet Republik Ltd invites you: 5th Speech is Not Free Festival: Through the looking glass of William S. Burroughs and Allen Ginsberg Poetry/ Art/ Film/ Performance Sprechsaal Gallery/ Marienstraße 26, 10117 Berlin October 4-6th 2019 Schedule of Events: Poetry/Performance: Friday 4 Oct: 19:00 Uhr—Opening reception, Poetry Reading and Performance: Jan Wagner, Jean-Nöel Chazelle, Aliah Rosenthal, […]


Opening reception, Poetry Reading and Performance: Jan Wagner, Jean-Nöel Chazelle, Aliah Rosenthal, Adrian Nichols, Shelley Marlow, Maria Teutsch, River Tabor and Brenda Coultas   Performance Artist Tim Youd will be typing Margaret Atwoods‘ „A Handmaid’s Tale,“ on an IBM Selectric as part of his 100 Novels Project www.timyoud.com Exhibition of William S. Burroughs’ Art; Allen […]


A nonlinear story video, sound, dance, performance time table 19:00 opening 19:30 film projection: dans l’entre le carré sommeille Siana 20:00 live music by Winona Lin & performance by Anais Poulet SIANA As the ballerina spins, Each spin creates a new chapter of the story Wind A Shadow in the mirror rubs a flight of […]


Why are we naked? An Evening about Objectification and Empowerment. Talk and Interactive performance with Aja Jane and Kali Sudhra. April, 5th, 7:30pm, SPRECHSAAL, Marienstraße 26, 10117 Berlin „Sex sells,“ people used to say. We are not sure if this is still the case. „Reproducing stigma sells“ – seems more appropriate. Who is reproducing? Who […]


»Hold It« is a responsive performance by Lisa Stertz to the photographic exhibition „WAS IST ICH – Auseinandersetzung mit dem SelbstPortrait“ [What is I – contestation with self/portraiture]. Curated by Miriam Zlobinski, Jana Ritchie, and Lars Dreiucker this exhibition shows eight perspectives and approaches to which Lisa Stertz will take position in her very […]


Rhizomatische Veranstaltung zum Internationalen Frauentag. Viele Plateaus und dutzende Möglichkeiten. Was und auch wo ist der weibliche Blick? Wer sieht was aus welchen Augen? Ist der männliche Blick das Gegenteil? Carolyn Amann, Kara Schröder, Hinna Jafri, RP Kahl werden sich diesen Fragen widmen. Carolyn Amann liest ihr Buch. Hinna Jafri legt auf. Kara Schröder inszeniert. […]
