It’s Berlinale and this year 41% of the competing films are by female directors. We’d like to invite ALL INTERNATIONAL AND LOCAL FILMMAKERS to join us in celebration! Our Berlinale meetup is a casual gathering where you’re invited to have a drink, meet new collaborators, and support each other. Whether you’re just starting out or […]


This is an insential, abominable fight that is going to happen here and between somthing like Tanya Wenczel and that called Nico Sauer, ugh! Better bring a set of shoelaces or you’ll slip cause it’ll be wiiide!  


Im 2. Teil des feministischen Burlesque-Abends widmen wir uns dem Tanz als Werkzeug, als Sprachrohr: wir haben vier Tänzerinnen gefragt „was ist Feminismus für dich?“ und lassen sie vier Geschichten erzählen. Mit ihren Worten und ihren Körpern. Geschichten von Rebellion, Aufstand und Befreiung. Vesper Vinegar – die ihr Märchenende selbst in die Hand nimmt La […]


In her new graphic novel Drawn to Berlin, American comic artist Ali Fitzgerald recounts her experiences teaching comics to asylum-seekers in a Berlin refugee shelter. Drawn to Berlin combines recollections of Jewish displacement from the 1920s with contemporary debates on immigrants and asylum seekers in Germany. Her drawn vignettes show us both frightening parallels and […]


Debinarize Workshop with Cibelle Cavalli Bastos Following their performance lecture on the concept of the body as an aevtar/interface and deprograming on the 27th, Cibelle will lead a workshop with those who wish to take this conceptual exploration out of the theoretical and into a practical approach to debinarisation of thinking and perception. Facilitating the […]


.a.[not].I.  Performance Lecture: 27. September body/aevtar interface #deprogramming : change the rithm, redirect the algorithm Cibelle Cavalli Bastos (aka @aevtarperform), explores what is preventing our mirror neurons from firing into radical empathy. Upon researching cognitive science, quantum mechanics, eastern philosophy and technology, the artist has drawn metaphors and new language pathways for intra & nanopolitical strategies […]
